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The Stooges

Rock music
Punk rock
Hard rock
The Stooges led by Iggy Pop defined the US garage band genre and went on to become one of the most influential bands of the late 1960s and early '70s. The band were formed by brothers Ron and Scott Asheton on guitar and drums alongside bass player Dave Alexander and with Iggy Pop on vocals. The two Asheton brothers came and went at various times from The Stooges line-up but most fans agree they were pivotal to the band's raw sound and when Ron Asheton died in 2009 at the age of 60 many believe that The Stooges died with him. For a band who were so widely known and revered, they o...
I Wanna Be Your Dog
I Wanna Be Your DogThe Stooges

The Beau Brummels, Vol. 2


Search and Destroy
Search and DestroyThe Stooges and Iggy & the Stooges

Back To The Noise


Gimme Danger
Gimme DangerThe Stooges and Iggy & the Stooges

Raw Power Live : In The Hands Of The Fans


Down on the Street
Down on the StreetThe Stooges

Fun House


T.V. Eye
T.V. EyeThe Stooges

Fun House


Down on the Street
Down on the StreetThe Stooges

Coffee And Cigarettes [B.O.F]

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