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Theo Rose

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
East european music
Theo Rose, born Theodora Maria Diaconu in Ploiești on August 8, 1997, is a popular Romanian actress, presenter and singer. She began singing as a child and became a local star on the Romanian folk scene, before discovering pop, to which she turned as a teenager. Arriving in Bucharest at the age of fourteen, she took singing lessons and released her first song two years later, in 2013. A presenter on a youth show the following year, she continued to record songs between shows, and in 2020 took part in the Bravo, ai stil! television competition, where she reached the final. She the...
Ca-n România (Ca-n Romania)
Ca-n România (Ca-n Romania)MIRA and Theo Rose

Ca-n România

De 3 zile nu am somn
De 3 zile nu am somnEmilian and Theo Rose

De Ce Mă Minți (De Ce Ma Minti)
De Ce Mă Minți (De Ce Ma Minti) 

Trapanele Rework 2020

Liviu Guta, What's Up and Theo Rose


De atatea ori
De atatea oriAndrei Banuta and Theo Rose

Suflet Pasager
Suflet PasagerLiviu Pustiu, Alessandra, Florin Salam and Theo Rose


Aprinde luna
Aprinde lunaTheo Rose

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