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Tom McRae

Rock music
Folk music
Pop rock
English singer-songwriter Tom McRae produced a surprisingly mature debut album, Tom McRae (2000), to critical acclaim. Just Like Blood (2003) confirms the emotional power of his voice, accompanied by subtle arrangements. He released two further albums in 2005 and 2007. Appreciated by a loyal following, Tom McRae released The Alphabet of Hurricanes in 2010, followed by From the Lowlands in 2012 and Did I Sleep and Miss the Border? in 2015.
Strangest Land
Strangest LandTom McRae

All Maps Welcome


For the Restless
For the RestlessTom McRae

All Maps Welcome


Line of Fire
Line of FireTom McRae

Just Like Blood


The Boy with the Bubblegun
The Boy with the BubblegunTom McRae

Tom McRae


American Spirit
American SpiritTom McRae

The Alphabet Of Hurricanes


A Thousand Suns
A Thousand SunsTom McRae

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