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Tommy Reilly

Classical music
Traditional music
World music
Tommy Reilly shot to fame when he came out on top in the Orange UnsignedAct TV talent show in 2009, winning a £60,000 advance and a major label record deal. Growing up in Scotland, he learned to play piano as a small child, but it was seeing Oasis at the T In The Park festival that shaped Reilly's destiny. He became totally consumed by playing the guitar, staying up all night learning every track on Oasis's (What's The Story) Morning Glory album. Setting himself the task of writing a new song every week, he built up the confidence to perform in front of an audience and then enter...
No Ordinary
No OrdinaryAlle Farben and Tommy Reilly

Music Is My Best Friend


Gimme a Call
Gimme a CallTommy Reilly

Words On The Floor

Having No-One
Having No-OneTommy Reilly

Words On The Floor

Words on the Floor
Words on the FloorTommy Reilly

Words On The Floor

DialsTommy Reilly

Words On The Floor

Just Like the Weather
Just Like the WeatherTommy Reilly

Words On The Floor
