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Travis Switzer

Upside of Being Down
Upside of Being DownJordyn Pollard, MacKenzie Porter, Bart Mckay, Chad Melchert, Travis Switzer, Brett Tyler, Andrew DeRoberts, Case Mastering, Katie Love Hess and Ryan Davidson


Rest of Your Life
Rest of Your LifeBart McKay, Caeland Garner, Travis Toy, Trevor Case, Chad Melchert, Travis Switzer, Murray Pulver and Ty Graham


Wife Material
Wife MaterialBart McKay, Kalsey Kulyk, Travis Toy, Trevor Case, Chad Melchert, Travis Switzer, Jordan Oorebeek, Murray Pulver and Alex Seier


Give You a Ring
Give You a RingBart McKay, Chris Buck, Travis Toy, Jesse Slack, Trevor Case, Chad Melchert, Travis Switzer and Murray Pulver


All in on You
All in on YouBart McKay, Travis Toy, Jesse Slack, Chad Melchert, Travis Switzer and Murray Pulver


Single at a Wedding
Single at a WeddingJordyn Pollard, Jason Matthews, Chancie Neal, Bart Mckay, Chad Melchert, Eddy Dunlop, Phil Barton, Tania Hancheroff and Travis Switzer
