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Sans vs. Jevil
Sans vs. JevilVideoGameRapBattles and UBERocity

Bill Cipher VS W. D. Gaster
Bill Cipher VS W. D. GasterUBERocity


Astrology VS Cryptocurrency
Astrology VS CryptocurrencyUBERocity


Frodo Baggins vs. Ancient Egyptians
Frodo Baggins vs. Ancient EgyptiansFreshy Kanal, UBERocity, Mix Williams, Freeced, Bblackroses, LittleFlecks, Snakebite126 and Psytube

Hannibal Lecter vs. Leatherface - Rap Battle!
Hannibal Lecter vs. Leatherface - Rap Battle!Freshy Kanal, Mr. Tibbs, UBERocity, Skitzy, Snakebite126 and LightAmazingFilms

Sans vs. Nagito Komaeda
Sans vs. Nagito KomaedaGamingPlush64, UBERocity and Snakebite126