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Vincent Niclo

French chanson
French tenor Vincent Niclo was born in Paris on January 6, 1975, into an artistic family who fostered his interest in the performing arts. After studying at Cours Florent, the private French drama school, Niclo trained as an actor and studied modern dance. His first foray into the music business was in the theatre as an actor in the Marthe Vandenberg play Renaître à Bogota. From there, he started getting offers for TV and film roles before landing himself the role of Jim Farrel in the French musical production of Titanic. The renowned quality of Niclo's performance and ability as...
Hymne à l'amour (Hymne a l'amour)
Hymne à l'amour (Hymne a l'amour)Chimène Badi and Vincent Niclo (Chimene Badi)

Chimène chante Piaf : L'Intégrale


She / Tous les visages de l'amour
She / Tous les visages de l'amourDany Brillant and Vincent Niclo

Dany Brillant Chante Aznavour en Duo


Jusqu'à l'ivresse (Jusqu'a l'ivresse)
Jusqu'à l'ivresse (Jusqu'a l'ivresse)Vincent Niclo

Ce Que Je Suis


Joyeux Noël
Joyeux NoëlVincent Niclo

Le premier Noël ensemble


Je ne suis qu'un homme
Je ne suis qu'un hommeVincent Niclo

Ce Que Je Suis

Borders of Salt
Borders of SaltVincent Niclo and Dan Ar Braz

Nuit Celtique


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