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Vocalconsort Berlin

Passion 4
Passion 4Ensemble Modern, Vocalconsort Berlin, Keren Motseri, Georg Nigl and Franck Ollu

Passion 7
Passion 7Ensemble Modern, Vocalconsort Berlin, Keren Motseri, Georg Nigl and Franck Ollu

Passion 9
Passion 9Ensemble Modern, Vocalconsort Berlin, Keren Motseri, Georg Nigl and Franck Ollu

Passion 1
Passion 1Ensemble Modern, Vocalconsort Berlin, Keren Motseri, Georg Nigl and Franck Ollu

Passion 10
Passion 10Ensemble Modern, Vocalconsort Berlin, Keren Motseri, Georg Nigl and Franck Ollu

Passion 2
Passion 2Ensemble Modern, Vocalconsort Berlin, Keren Motseri, Georg Nigl and Franck Ollu