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Walter Martin

Rock music
Pop rock
Children music
Walter Martin is a founding member of New York City indie-rock titans The Walkmen and a solo artist whose repertoire spans seven studio albums. Martin grew up in Washington, D.C., and played organ, guitar and drums during his high school years, joining 1990s indie five-piece Jonathan Fire*Eater on farfisa organ and lap steel guitar. The band split up in 1998 and Martin co-founded Harlem's Marcata Studio, before conceiving The Walkmen in 2000. Following the group's demise in 2013, Martin embarked on a solo career. The critically acclaimed kids and family-friendly LP, We're All You...
Sing to Me
Sing to MeKaren O and Walter Martin

We're All Young Together


The Bear
The BearWalter Martin


Costa Rica
Costa RicaWalter Martin

We're All Young Together


Do-Dilly-Do (A Friend Like You)
Do-Dilly-Do (A Friend Like You)Walter Martin

Do-Dilly-Do (A Friend Like You)


To the Moon
To the MoonWalter Martin

The World at Night


It's a Dream (Midnight Version)
It's a Dream (Midnight Version)Walter Martin

We're All Young Together

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