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Rock music
Folk rock
Pop rock
Wings was formed in 1971 by Paul McCartney as a means of getting back on the road with a working band after the slow, bitter split of The Beatles. Formed after the recording of his 1971 album Ram, the band, who would more commonly be referred to as Paul McCartney & Wings, was comprised of Paul on bass and vocals, his wife Linda on keyboards and backing vocals, Denny Laine on guitar and vocals, and Denny Seiwell on drums. The quartet released their debut album, Wild Life, to scathing reviews from critics. Their next three non-album singles – 1972’s “Give Ireland Back to the Irish,...
Band on the Run
Band on the RunPaul McCartney & Wings, Paul McCartney and Wings

Band on the Run


Silly Love Songs
Silly Love SongsWings and Paul McCartney & Wings

Give My Regards to Broad Street


My Love
My LovePaul McCartney & Wings, Paul McCartney and Wings

Red Rose Speedway


Another Day
Another DayPaul McCartney and Wings



Listen to What the Man Said
Listen to What the Man SaidPaul McCartney and Wings

Wings at the Sound of Denny Laine

Let 'Em In
Let 'Em InWings

Let 'Em In


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