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Ambient music
Electronic music
Film score
Worakls is the stage name of French DJ Kevin Rodrigues, a classically-trained instrumentalist who combines his piano education and electronica influences into a diverse brand of dance music. Born near Paris on September 28, 1988, he began playing piano at 3 years old and later studied the instrument at a conservatory in Versailles. Following his graduation, he shifted his focus toward electronic music. Beginning with the debut EP Unity in 2008, Worakls spent a decade recording a string of EPs and singles, often releasing the projects on his own label, Hungry Music. He launched a ...
Red Dressed
Red DressedWorakls


L'Amour, l'Amer, le Chaos
L'Amour, l'Amer, le ChaosWorakls and Lili Poe


Tribute to Beethoven's 9th (Choral, Molto vivace, Symphony No. 9)
Tribute to Beethoven's 9th (Choral, Molto vivace, Symphony No. 9) 

Beethoven Remixed


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