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(Young ji)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Youngji is a South Korean singer, dancer, and entertainer. She was born Heo Young-ji on August 30, 1994, in Seoul. She prepared for her career by attending the School of Performing Arts Seoul. Prior to her main break, she was a trainee at various companies, including Core Contents Media and KeyEast. In 2014, Youngji's career took a turn. Following the departure of two members of the South Korean girl group Kara, DSP Media initiated the Kara Project, a reality TV competition to find a new member. Despite missing some performances due to injury, Youngji captivated audiences and ult...
비나리 The Blessing (The Blessing)
비나리 The Blessing (The Blessing) 


영지 (Young ji)

비나리 The Blessing (The Blessing)
비나리 The Blessing (The Blessing)영지 (Young ji)


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