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Youssef Swatt's

Rap music
French rap
Hardcore hip hop
Youssef Swatt's, real name Youssef Reziki, is a Belgian rapper born in Tournai on February 8, 1998. Passionate about literature and rap since his teens, he began writing his first lyrics before embarking on a musical career. In 2017, he released his first album"Vers l'Infini et l'Au-Delà" thanks to participatory funding. He went on to perform concerts and collaborate with artists such as Demi Portion, Scylla, and Gaël Faye. In 2020, he publishes Poussières d'Espoir with El Gaouli, followed by"Pour Que les Étoiles Brillent " in 2022, which includes tracks like "Remonter le temps" ...
Planète Rash (Planete Rash)
Planète Rash (Planete Rash)Demi Portion, Davodka, Jeff le Nerf, Dooz Kawa, Scylla, Youssef Swatt's, Swift Guad, JP Manova and Hexaler

2 Chez Moi


Générique de Fin (Generique de Fin)
Générique de Fin (Generique de Fin)Youssef Swatt's

Nouvelle École | Saison 3 | L'album Intégral (Série Netflix)


Personne - Nouvelle École (Personne - Nouvelle Ecole)
Personne - Nouvelle École (Personne - Nouvelle Ecole)Youssef Swatt's

Nouvelle École | Saison 3 | L'album Intégral (Série Netflix)


Cauchemar éveillé
Cauchemar éveilléYoussef Swatt's and Lacraps

Qu’ils ont de la chance
Qu’ils ont de la chanceYoussef Swatt's and Colt

LiverpoolBrav' and Youssef Swatt's

Café Crève


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