With nothing too exciting
Watching porn, swiping left
Counting hours to be yours
I'm ready for something more
Day and night, day and night
Take me for another round
Watching porn, swiping left
Counting hours to be yours
I'm ready for something more
I want you to occupy my mind
I want you to occupy my mind
Tell me what to do when I follow you
Kasey, Kasey, K-K-K-K-Kasey
I don't need to know anything else but
Kasey, Kasey, K-K-K-K-Kasey
Tell me what to do when I follow you
Kasey, Kasey, K-K-K-K-Kasey
I don't need to know anything else but
Kasey, Kasey, K-K-K-K-Kasey
You make me lose control, overturn the law of gravity
You're playing with my sanity
Oh, you have taken over every single part of me
Got you on my mind, day and night, day and night
Take me for another round
Oh, you have taken over every single part of me
I want you to occupy my mind
I want you to occupy my mind
I want you to occupy my mind
I want you to occupy my mind
Tell me what to do when I follow you
Kasey, Kasey, K-K-K-K-Kasey
I don't need to know anything else but
Kasey, Kasey, K-K-K-K-Kasey
Tell me what to do when I follow you
Kasey, Kasey, K-K-K-K-Kasey
I don't need to know anything else but
Kasey, Kasey, K-K-K-K-Kasey