Walking down that lonesome road
I've been lost and I've been found
‘thinking about you and the night we spend alone
cnd I try to find a way to make you love me once again
Cus it's so hard to forget you now
Drinking whiskey just for fun
Say I'm right when I'm wrong
Can I be without your love?
How have you been when I was gone
Did you hear our favorite song
We've been forth and we've been back playing up that same old track
Did you listen to the words I sang for you?
cnd I try to find a way to make you love me once again
Because it's so hard to forget you now
Now I'm done drinking whiskey just for fun
Say I'm right when I'm wrong
Can I be without your love?
How have you been When I was gone?
Did you hear a favorite song?
cnd I try to find a way to make you love me once again
Cus it's so hard to forget you now
Drinking whiskey just for fun
Say I'm right when I wrong
Can I be without your love?
How have you been when I was gone?
Did you hear a favorite song?