"Good God Almighty, like back in the old days
You know, years ago they had the A&R men to tell you what to play
How to play it and you know whether it's disco and rock
But um, we just went in the studio and we did it
We had champagne in the studio, of course, you know
Compliments of the company, and we just laid back and did it
So we hope you enjoy listening to this album half as much
As we enjoyed playing it for you, because we had a ball
Only real music is gonna last
All that other bullshit is here today and gone tomorrow"
I want to live in the United States
I want to get rid of the stress on my brain
That's been weighing me down
For some time and I can't lie
I miss the times I would spit the rhymes
And learn the words, to every track I had heard
But seeing my loved ones go in a hearse
Had my visions getting worse
Of course, I swerved off course
But I'll never fucking fall
It'll take two seconds, let's walk
You never know until you ask
That's why I don't just bring up my past
I've lost loved ones in a flash
And my life started crashing
Funeral days, when the rain was lashing
Smoking and drinking just to get smashed
And pass the days, I would feel heartbreak again
TO MY STEPDAD, You always had a plan
How we lost you was just mad
I remember times we'd get you mad
But you'd just laugh it off, Matt
I never know if you forgive us
Ever since the day I found out you were dead
It's been playing on my head
And I know, 'Cause you had a plan
That you'll be up there looking out
I really miss the bond that we all had
Times I would stay at my Nan's pad
Get the lap-top and listen to music
I hope they witness my perseverance
If they were around with any debts, then I'd have cleared them
I remember how my Granddad
Watching the History Channel
If you'd tried to test that man, Right
He wouldn't have thought about that shit twice
My Granddad grew up, having a rough life
Numb the pain again, I just need to say
I swerved off of my lane and I forgot my own name
Is that Kane by the age of ten I had people saying
Walking round with his head down
Little did they know back then
I'd want this crown and want to help out my town
They laughed at me and said I was a clown
So I hop up on the track now
Fights where I've spun man round
Fights where I've been hit
But I never fell to the ground
Swift kick to the face, I'm not a disgrace
To this human race, I keep the pace in the safe
Locked away,That's where my bars stay
Locked up in my brain, Yeah they are in my DNA
I've come to gain and help the team gain
The recognition they deserve
Every day putting in the work
So I'll get a Matte, colored bike
Love that I never lost for you, Step-dad
You pulled us through some mad shit
And I'm grateful in my life that
I had the opportunity to meet you
And most of all, speak to you 'N'
Also while we're on this subject in my tune
There's something that I need to do
Nan and Granddad I miss you
And that goes for my Nanny Mo too
Without all of you, I wouldn't be alive
Nanna B you made the best Cups of Tea
I can't come around to sleep, No more
I miss walking through the side door
It was like a house tour!
So much more than you could've ever seen
I was just so rude and obscene, but you helped me
That I was just a dumb teen at the time
And I want to make plenty
Also go and get myself a Bentley
For everything you've done
Making the meals, to make sure we got fed
Making sure that we weren't hungry
Filling the holes inside our tummy
Even if you hardly had any money
You'd always fix us up the best plate
Always taught us to be grateful
I need to say it before it's all too late though
Yeah I need to say this all before it's too late, Woah
I love you so much, I'm so sorry
Look I know I've been a cunt
Cause shit, get brought back by the feds
I guess we were pricks to you
Fuck I'm not going to lie
Every argument I look at between us
Just makes me want to fucking cry!