Take me home, wash away the dusty road and memories
Of every love I left behind that showed me how funny life can be
All alone, nothing but the radio for company
Another song that floods my eyes, I don't see what it has to do with me
I'm just riding all alone
Oh, I don't know what I'm looking for
Oh, I don't know why I'm running
Oh, I just want someone, please
The child is gone, he left behind his spirit and he follows me
Traded in the rainbows for reality, oh I wish that I could see
Where that child has gone
But one of these days I'll find that pot of gold
And one of these days I'll stop this running
I just hope it comes before I get old
Cause sometimes life ain't so funny
One more road, another hundred miles to go before I find
Some inspiration from the sky and a highway sign, and I get some peace of mind
Till then just one more road