You've always been a dreamer
You've always aimed so high
It's truly been inspiring to see
And so we wanna give you a little free advice
And we mean this with complete sincerity
Your dreams are lame and weak
Can't you see you're talent free
And soon you'll have to pay
Sell the vinyl, pawn the amps
And put your little dreams away
We don't mean to upset you
We simply want to share the way we feel
And now that we're all older
And should be more mature
We ought to cut the bull and let's get real
Give up your dreams and get a freaking job
We are through supporting you
Starbucks is calling, McDonald's says hello
Walmart, Kinco's, take your pick
Or pack your useless dreams and go
Can't you just picture how sweet it will be
When you're finally gone and
And the heavens will part and a light will appear
Little kids of all races will join hands and cheer
And the bells, how they'll ring
And all of creation will lift up their voices and sing
They're never coming true
Learn to cope with zero hope
No more excuses, there's nothing to discuss
Ditch your pointless, futile dreams
And join the grown up world like us
Ditch your pointless, brain dead, nut job, psycho dreams
And join the grown up world like us