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Los Huracanes del Norte

World music
Traditional music
Los Huracanes del Norte may have formed in the state of Michoacán in 1969, but they would become one of the most celebrated purveyors of a specific style of traditional Mexican music known as Norteño, dance music utilizing banjo and accordion. The band started when Francisco, Heraclio, and Jesũs Garcia, three brothers originally from the Mexican city of Tangancicuaro, joined forces with Asunción Rubalcava. They gained momentum after adding yet another Garcia brother, Guadalupe, who wrote "Corrido de Daniel Treviño," the song that would become their first regional hit and bring th...
Nomas Por Tu Culpa
Nomas Por Tu CulpaLos Huracanes del Norte

Con Fuerza y Sentimiento: Legado Norteño


Que Me Lleve el Diablo
Que Me Lleve el DiabloLos Huracanes del Norte

El Lechero


911Los Huracanes del Norte

20 Canciones Banda y Norteno


La Suburban Dorada
La Suburban DoradaLos Huracanes del Norte

Con Fuerza y Sentimiento: Legado Norteño

La Hielera
La HieleraLos Huracanes del Norte


La Suburban Dorada
La Suburban DoradaLos Huracanes del Norte


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