Rising in the heat like a
He brings it out at midnight
That snake between the city`s
The lonely desert skies reflect
His father died of drinking
And left five children sinking
Never made it back from Viet Nam
With high school well behind him
He lives at home and works this
And he thinks his '60 Chevy
His heart is filled with sadness
And his soul is like some
A deal gone bad in Dallas
Left her burned and broke
To make the rent and groceries
In some smoky red-neck bar
She`ll make her way to L.A.
He swallowed hard and asked
Mary laughed and answered
He said he had some cocaine
That she could have if she`d
He picked her up at closing time
They pulled out on the road
When she found her son had
And called the sheriff from
They asked her lots of questions
She tried her best to tell
Two weeks on they found it
What could make a good boy