The nurse helped us buckle your seat in the car
And they sent us on our way, I drove home so slow
We had no instructions, the first days were hard
But there's things about babies a woman just knows
I lay my hand over your heart
Just to know you were safe in your sleep
I fight back the urge to stay right there beside you
And keep you on your feet
Being your daddy comes natural
The roses just know how to grow
It's easy to see that you'll get where you're going
The hard part is letting you go
The hard part is letting you go
It didn't take long to see
And your momma's merciful heart in your eyes
And helping her raise you
Has taught me to see through the great fog of loneliness
Being your daddy comes natural
The roses just know how to grow
It's easy to see that you'll get where you're going
But the hard part is letting you go
The hard part is letting you go
And now you've decided to be someone's wife
And we'll walk down the aisle and I'll give you away
I wish I could walk with them
Back through your life to see
Every last minute of every last day
To hear your first words, and to feel your first heartbreak
To sing you to sleep when you're scared of the dark
Is to let myself trust that you know
Who'll be strong enough to carry your heart
Being your daddy comes natural
The roses just know how to grow
It's easy to see that you'll get where you're going
But the hard part is letting you go
The hard part is letting you go